It has been a busy month.
Dealing with orders, interviews, magazines, PR and even some designing.
To tell you the truth, I'm always designing as I interact with the world, people, media and the internet. However, some creations never quite get the chance to reach paper and find themselves residing in my minds eye, waiting for the opportunity to become a self indulgent expression of inspiration.
Sami the reindeer is such an example, of a shape that I came across quite some time ago and I found it crying out to be recognised as a young, very cute reindeer. So after some careful refining to capture her personality she has eventually become a laser cut plywood Christmas tree decoration, because with those antlers she really deserved to be out there in the world at this time of year.
Sami finally reached the manufacturer yesterday and will be made available next week. Keep an eye on my
order page for when she goes live.